Use Mixin

Barktler supports mixin; see Barktler Mixin Modules for an official supported mixin list.


For Debug Logging, add the @barktler/mixin-debug-log package from npm.

yarn add @barktler/mixin-debug-log
# Or
npm install @barktler/mixin-debug-log --save

Use it is very simple; consider the following API call.

import { createMixinDebugLog } from "@barktler/mixin-debug-log";

const api: GoogleSearchAPI = GoogleSearchAPI.create();
api.useMixin(createMixinDebugLog());"hello").then(() => /*Do Nothing*/); // The request and response will logged into console

For Verify, add the @barktler/mixin-verify package from npm.

yarn add @barktler/mixin-verify
# Or
npm install @barktler/mixin-verify --save

Use it is also very simple; consider the following API call.

import { createStringedVerifyMixin } from "@barktler/mixin-verify";

const api: GoogleSearchAPI = GoogleSearchAPI.create();
api.useMixin(createStringedVerifyMixin());"hello"); // Will Verify request body and response data

Global Mixin

For global mixin usage, see Global Mixin.


Enjoy Barktler!